

how to archive contacts in mailchimp

How to Archive Contacts in Mailchimp: Step-by-Step Guide

Archiving contacts in Mailchimp is an essential organizational task for anyone using the platform for email marketing. It helps maintain a clean, efficient list by removing inactive or unengaged subscribers from the active contact list. This process does not delete contacts but instead stores them away from the primary contact table, ensuring you can still access their information without cluttering your marketing efforts. This is particularly useful for keeping your Mailchimp account organized, which can improve your overall email marketing performance.

When you decide to archive contacts, you’re decluttering your list and potentially reducing costs associated with your Mailchimp account since pricing is often based on the number of active connections.

sendgrid vs ses

SendGrid vs SES: Comparing Email Delivery Services for Businesses

SendGrid vs SES: Choosing the right email service provider is a crucial decision for your business communication needs. SendGrid and Amazon Simple Email Service (SES) are two prominent platforms that specialize in handling high volumes of email. They both offer robust delivery infrastructures designed to ensure that your emails reach their intended recipients. However, there are distinct differences between the two services that can significantly impact how effectively you can manage your email campaigns. SendGrid focuses exclusively on providing email services with various features tailored to all types of email communication, while Amazon SES is a flexible, cost-effective solution mainly for transactional emails.… Read more...

sendinblue vs sendgrid - featured img

SendinBlue vs SendGrid: Which is a Better Tool For You in 2024?

SendinBlue vs SendGrid?  Many entrepreneurs need help deciding between two of the most popular email marketing tools available! Sendinblue and Sendgrid are two of the most trusted and widely used options, with a combined customer base of over 350,000. 

To make an informed decision, it’s essential to compare the features, pricing, scalability, and other vital aspects of Sendinblue and Sendgrid. In terms of features, both email marketing tools offer a range of advanced capabilities to help you create, send, and track your email campaigns effectively. However, some differences may sway your decision one way or the other.

Additionally, the pricing structures of Sendinblue and Sendgrid differ significantly, and you’ll want to consider which offers the best value for your business’s needs.